Things Above Thoughts
TAT # 107 Limping & Living

In Genesis 2:16–17 the Lord tells Adam not to eat the fruit from a specific tree or he would die. In Chapter three Adam eats the fruit but does not drop dead (Genesis 3:6). When the Lord comes upon the scene, naturally Adam is afraid, of the only thing he has to fear – death, and tries to hid himself from the Lord (3:8–10). The Lord examines the events of the eating of the fruit and starts handing out punishment to the parties involved (3:11–14). The Lord then curses the serpent and makes it crawl on its belly but He does not kill Adam and the woman nor does He even bring up the subject of the death which He has promised (3:14). At the point where we would expect the death penalty to be applied the Lord reveals that the humans are going to stay alive for awhile longer and fight the one who empowered the serpent (3:15)!

“And I will put hostility between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring; her offspring will attack your head, (*rulership) and you will attack her offspring’s heel (*an element needed for walking).” (Genesis 3:15 with *clarification NET)

Rather than applying complete and total death God left humanity on this earth to destroy Satan’s rulership (Genesis 3:15; Romans 16:20)!

Therefore with your injured heal, keep on limping through life, being obedient—not to Satan and his dying rulership but to God and His living, eternal rulership!
See also Philippians 3:8–16.