Things Above Thought
TAT 102 Adjustment #2

One of the benefits of living the eternal life is that when “the living” go to heaven there will not be an enormous adjustment.

Was that a hard thought to grasp? Consider these:
1. The New Testament is an eternal covenant (Isa. 55:3; Eze. 37:26; Heb. 13:20)!
2. Today we are to live by faith (Rom. 14:23; Heb. 11:6). Faith in its most simple definition is knowing God’s word (the Bible) and living by God’s word—know the Bible and live the Bible.
3. For all eternity we will live by faith, knowing God’s word and living by God’s word.
4. For those who learn to live by God’s word in this life, it will not be an enormous adjustment to live by God’s word for all eternity.

Just think about it, we can live the eternal life now!