Things Above Thought
TAT #50
God’s Law

America takes another step into the darkness. A single law now stands against God’s law. God’s Chosen stand in disbelief, shocked and dazed. What do we do now? Maybe there’s someone we can ask. I know, let’s ask some of God’s Chosen in China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Canada. Maybe someone there knows how to stand firm against governments that write ungodly laws.

But wait there is someone we can ask. Some of us may even know of him. He has lived under one of the darkest governments of all time, a government that actually hunted and killed God’s Chosen. Yet we know that he stood firm for many years until the government finally tracked him down and killed him. Some say he made notes on how he did it. Surely those notes would help us. If we can find them, reprint, and distribute them, maybe we can learn how to stand firm in our faith in the encroaching darkness.

Does anybody know where we can find a New Testament?