Things Above Thoughts

TAT 131 The Inch

In Revelation 13:11–18 we read of one who has worldwide control over all humanity. Without their approval no one can buy or sell anything! While they have control of the entire world they are also the enemy of God. How is it possible that such a person could obtain such control over this earth? Possibly because of fear!

Most of us believe that if someone put a gun to our head and said “deny Christ or I will shoot” we would not fear, we would say “pull the trigger.” But the greater problem, a lest fearful problem, is a problem of inches. Back in the early 1900s the government tried to implement a Social Security program which would require everyone to receive a specific, individual, number. It was met with such resistance the government had to first implement it as a voluntary program and stated, in writing, that the numbers would not be used for identification purposes. My Social Security card, obtained in the 60s, has, in writing, in capital letters, the statement “FOR SOCIAL SECURITY AND TAX PURPOSES – NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION.” The government has “inched” its way along to its present position with required Social Security and identification. Another example of “inching along” is realized in treaties the government made with some Native American tribes: “as long as the grass grows and the water flows.” Therefore it is true, it is not the gun we need to fear the most but the inch.

In this time of fear let us not establish a flimsy framework of control which can inch along into a worldwide system of control that can be used by a future antichrist.

On the bright side, it might be nearing the time for us to say – “just pull the trigger?”.

Glory to God

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Do we really believe this?

When you get in a dispute with your spouse, your children, your boss, your friend, or a complete stranger do you stop in the middle of that dispute and think of Ephesians 6:12 and realize that there is more going on than just a dispute with another person? One of the reasons we are here is to have a witness to the heavenly host (Ephesians 3:10; 6:12; Job chapters 1–2). Our struggles can start in the heavenly places but always glorify God in the heavenly places (Job).

In the book “from a DARKNESS to the LIGHT” the door to this situation begins to open and His light is shed on this long ignored biblical truth.

Devoured by Satan

Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter  5:8)

Where does it say that Satan is a defeated foe? If he is defeated why did the risen Christ tell Paul “to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God,” (Acts 26:18)? If he is defeated why does God the father say: “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Romans 16:20)?

Turn your back on a roaring lion and he will devour you.
Poke fun at him and he will devour you.
Make believe he does not exist and he will devour you.

In the book “from a DARKNESS to the LIGHT” the only defense against Satan that God has provided is broken down into five (5) simple actions. These actions are taken from the books of James, Ephesians, 1 Peter, and Hebrews. May God bless you as you read and have victory.

If you think that since you are a Christian you don’t need to worry about him then you have already been devoured and you more than anyone else need to read this timely book.

Back to Basics

Back to Basics
When you win the Super Bowl what do you do when you get back to training camp? You’ve just gone as far as you can go what can you learn in training camp? When you’ve just won the world championship in your sport what do you do next year? Sometimes it’s good to get back to the basics; go back to the starting point and revisit the fundamentals and see if you are still on track or if there is anything you can improve on. This will make you a winner again.

Christianity has been around now for close to 2,000 years, we’ve come a long way and compiled a lot of biblical information so much so many of us are drowning in biblical information. So where do we go from here? Back to the basics.

I wrote “from a DARKNESS to the LIGHT” to get Christians back to the basics. It helps to clear the fog on all this compiled biblical information and simplify our faith and our life. Christ came to bring us His light and His light always clarifies. If you want to know the simple message of Christianity then “from a DARKNESS to the LIGHT” is an excellent place to start. (Find the book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, just type in “scverlin barton”)

Lost In The Darkness

Getting Lost in the Darkness

monday, for most, the first day in the work week; why are you going to work?
are you working to earn a living? are you Living?
are you working to support your family? are you Supportive?
are you working for your retirement? how does His Retirement look?
are you working because it’s expected of you? are you meeting His Expectations?
are you working for worldly reasons or for His Heavenly Reasons?

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
(Matthew 6:33)

And Others!

Are you one of the “and others” from Hebrews 11:35b-40? If so you might be on the front lines of God’s present active plan.

Remember Job, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego! They were God’s best and they faced great trials because of their righteousness. If you are suffering for your faith, through no fault of your own then consider yourself blessed. As Rich Mullins wrote “you meet God in the furnace long before you meet Him in the air.” And remember one more who suffered — our lord Jesus Christ.

“If we endure, we will also reign with Him. . . (2 Tim. 2:12).”