Things Above Thought
TAT # 86 The Death Stare of a Dead Camel

Remember the rich young man in Matthew 19? He was rich and he had also kept the OT law but he knew he was “dead” so he asked Christ: “Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?” He did not like the answer and walked away. Do you like all the answers Christ gives you in the Bible? If not why?

Who do you think the rich man was trying to please? Certainly not Christ.
What did he consider to be valuable? Certainly not eternal life.
Who are you trying to please?
What do you consider valuable?

When our goals are not eternal then we have the death stare of a dead camel.
The rich young “dead camel” had that stare (Mat. 19:16–24).
If you are staring at your earthly riches and also at the eye of the needle then you have the same death stare of a dead camel.