Things Above Thought
TAT #60
Suffering #4

“Why do you write so much about suffering?”

When the Lord God came to Adam and Eve after they had sinned He did not say “there, there everything is going to be alright. From now on I’ll take care of everything and make you happy again.” Instead, He told them there was going to be hostility, struggle, trials, and pain throughout their lives (Genesis 3:8–24). He told them exactly how it was going to be, He didn’t “sugar coat” it. His main objective was not to make them happy! He prepared them for what was ahead.

We have placed ourselves, and our world, under Satan’s rule and there will always be suffering. As America slips into greater and greater darkness the suffering of the obedient will probably increase. Be prepared.

Eternal goals might not include our present happiness.

Fact #27 Even when I’m hurting, questioning why, and wanting to die, it is still possible to be in the center of God’s will (Job1:21–22; 3:1–26; James 1:2–4; 1 Peter 1:6–7)).