Things Above Thought
TAT #61
Suffering #5

Jesus Christ came and enable us to be obedient to Him. Can obedience bring happiness? Absolutely! Will it always bring happiness in this life? Absolutely not! (Just ask Job, John the Baptist, or Paul.) Is obedience better than happiness? Absolutely!

If our sole purpose of obedience is to make us happy now – who are we serving?

If we suffer in this life for His eternal glory we will be happy for all eternity.

Fact #27 Even when I’m hurting, questioning why, and wanting to die, it is still possible to be in the center of God’s will (Job1:21–22; 3:1–26; James 1:2–4; 1 Peter 1:6–7).

(The numbered facts above come from the pamphlet “A Glimmer of Light” found on the web site.)
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